•  Pilot Proficiency Training


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Pilot Proficiency Training
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BV with an EVF 10s powered Electra and EVF 12s powered EBandit, performance is similar.


  If you have been following our website, you surely know how enthusiastic we are about electric jets.  Of course, that enthusiasm is reflected in the many new “E” products that BVM offers to constantly advance this sector of our hobby.  Electric jets require less support equipment and are therefore easier to load in your vehicle, unload quickly at the field, and quick to get into the air.  This ease of operation allows us to get to the field more often and log more flights per outing.  Maintaining pilot proficiency is a more serious challenge for us senior jet pilots.  These EVF powered jets and the Florida weather allow me to get to the field usually twice a week.  As a result, my level of proficiency is at least as good as it was 10 years ago.  It is kind of like going to the gym.

   Flying high performance E-Jets also contributes to one’s ability to safely fly turbine powered jets, and that is an added value.  Seven minutes at 160+ mph speed definitely qualifies as a jet training sortie.

The Explorer Van is always ready for an E-Jet
 flying session.

  Besides the proficiency value, E-Jets are a lot of fun and absent of fuel spills or stink in your vehicle for the ride home.  The back of my Explorer Van stays loaded as you see it, so I can go flying with short notice.  The Electra on top of the custom made foam stand and the   E-Bandit now have all electric retracts and brakes, eliminating the need for an air pump or spending time chasing down air leaks.  I usually carry 2 sets of LiPo power batteries.  The plastic tub of PowerLab 6 charging equipment allows almost non-stop flying if you plan to make a day of it. 

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